Areas of Representation
Members of APC shall be elected through the election process provided in the Constitution. All
administrative professionals with at least a half-time appointment are eligible to vote, but they
may vote only on the ballot for their representative area.
Please see our Members page to learn who your current Area Representative is.
- Area 1: CSU System; President’s Office, Vice President for External Relations, Vice President for Diversity, Athletics, Public Safety & General Counsel
- Area 2: Provost & Executive Vice President; Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs; Vice Provost for International Affairs; Vice Provost for Undergraduate Affairs; Vice President for Information Technology/Dean of Libraries; Vice President for Enrollment and Access & Dean of Graduate Studies
- Area 3: Vice President for University Operations
- Area 4: Vice President for University Advancement
- Area 5: Vice President for Research
- Area 6: Vice President for Student Affairs
- Area 7: College of Agricultural Sciences & Agricultural Experiment Station
- Area 8: College of Health and Human Sciences
- Area 9: College of Liberal Arts
- Area 10: College of Business
- Area 11: College of Engineering
- Area 12: Warner College of Natural Resources and Colorado State Forest Service
- Area 13: College of Natural Sciences
- Area 14: College of Veterinary Medicine and Biomedical Sciences
- Area 15: Vice President for Engagement