Are you interested in making deeper connections on campus and having a positive impact at CSU? AP representatives act as the “voice” for APs across the CSU community by advocating for employees and facilitating AP feedback on key issues.
Qualifications and commitment of serving on APC:
- The APC meets monthly on CSU’s main campus & online via Zoom
- Terms range from 1-3 years
- Each area has 2-4 representatives depending on the size of the area
- Any AP with at least a half-time appointment is eligible to serve on APC
- Every APC area has at least one alternate representative who can participate in meetings and committees and vote in the absence of an elected member. This role can be a great way to participate in shared governance, network with campus partners, and participate in service without the time commitment.
Benefits of being on APC:
- Networking with peers
- Developing leadership skills
- Taking part in decisions on issues related to you, your peers, and CSU
- Making new friends
If you’re interested in serving on APC or if you have any questions, please contact your Area Representative. Nominations and elections occur each March, and new terms begin July 1 each year.